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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Backing Up to the Clouds Or Apple Time Machine secrets: rsync

So you bought a new Tera and want to mimic the Apple Time machine but don't have Mac OSX.

Linux Journal have published a great article on this subject. This article explains rsync tool.
See the Link

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to Replace __MyCompagnyName__ in new File templates in Xcode with a Command line

Write this command in a terminal:

defaults write ' { "ORGANIZATIONNAME" = "Put the Name here"; } '

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GUI for Valgrind

Callgrind uses runtime instrumentation via the Valgrind framework for its cache simulation and call-graph generation. This way, even shared libraries and dynamically opened plugins can be profiled. The data files generated by Callgrind can be loaded into KCachegrind for browsing the performance results. But there is also a command line tool in the package to get ASCII reports from data files without the need to use KCachegrind.
